Talk. Touch. Connect.
“Please yourself, please others. Feel pleasure every day.”
~Adrienne Maree Brown

What is Tantra?
Tantra teaches us how to say “YES” to the moment and to see the Divine in whatever is arising…even if it is painful or challenging. Tantra is a spiritual path for integrating body, mind and soul. It differs from other paths in its honoring of the body, using the senses, sexuality, and feelings to help you evolve spiritually. Tantra assists you in realizing your full potential as a human being.
“Tantra is about more than having sex. It’s about sexual energy and how it affects everything you do in your life and it’s actually the energy to create.”
~Psalm Isadora

About Goddess Tsani
I believe we are all worthy of pleasure, intimacy, more fulfilling connections and belonging. You don't have to look, act, dress, think or do anything in particular to be worthy of all these things. Pleasure is not something that you make an option because it is your birth right. We are all beings that should exist in spaces where we demand more intentional communication and juicy, intimate experiences.